Elective Courses
In order to fulfill emphasis requirements, students participating in the Cognitive Science Program enroll in a range of interdisciplinary electives.
A full list of approved Cognitive Science courses, along with criteria for the electives requirement, is provided below:

Approved Courses
- Criteria for Cognitive Science Elective Requirements
Cognitive Science Emphasis Program Requirements (pdf)
**Students who entered their PhD program prior to Fall 2020 have the option of completing the previous set of course requirements**.
To fulfill the elective courses requirement for the CogSci Emphasis, students are required to take four approved courses in four different departments (one of which may be the student's home department). Additionally, one of the elective courses must be outside of the student's home division. Students may also take one approved, upper-division undergraduate course from outside their home department as an elective.
The INT 200A Cognitive Science Seminar (4 credits) is offered once per year, in the Spring. To complete the emphasis, you must take INT 200A for a letter grade. You are not required to take this course before completing electives, nor does taking the INT 200A course obligate you to join the Cognitive Science program (it's open to all graduate students).
If multiple grading options exist, electives may be taken for a letter grade, or as Pass/No Pass. INT 200A must be taken for a letter grade.
If you are enrolled in a course that does not appear on this list, but which you feel should count as a cognitive science elective, contact Graduate Program Assistant Tiffany Ta (tiffanybta@ucsb.edu) in order to petition for its inclusion.
*Generally speaking, electives approved in previous years/quarters will continue to count toward the Emphasis requirements, as long as they are taught by an affiliated faculty member. There are a few exceptions to this rule, including special interest seminars with shifting content, and "core" courses that will always count toward the Emphasis. Contact the Graduate Program Assistant with questions.
Note: Course offerings will be updated, along with any changes, when the GOLD listing is available for a given quarter.
Current & Upcoming Courses
- Spring 2025
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, J. Preiss
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, W. Guo
- CMPSC 190I - Intelligence and Interaction, W.-F. Wang
- CMPSC 281B - Advanced Topics in Computer Vision, B. Manjunath
- ED 111 - Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development, R. Rios
- ED 209D - Research Seminar in Human Development, R. Rios
- ED 211G - Theories of Human Development, A. Kyratzis
- ED 253D - Seminar on Teaching and Learning, J. Lee
- GEOG 229 - Environmental Perception and Cognition, D. Montello
- INT 200A - Foundations in Cognitive Science, A. Roskies
- LING 111 - Advanced Computational Linguistics, K. Lai
- LING 137 - First Language Acquisition, L. Hou
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, T. Sprague
- PSY 125 - Multimedia Learning, R. Mayer
- PSY 145 - Cognitive Science of Supernatural Concepts, T. German
- PSY 226 - Cognitive Development, Z. Liberman
Past Courses
- 2025
Winter 2025
- COMM 133 - Media and Children, R. Weber
- CMPSC 181 - Intro to Computer Vision, Y-F, Wang
- CMPSC 185 - Human-Computer Interactions, M. Sra
- ED 111 - Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development, L. Romo
- ED 253D - Seminar on Teaching and Learning, J. Lee
- ENG 171NH - Neurohumanism, S. Park
- LING 110 - Foundations of Computational Linguistics, S. Todd
- LING 127 - Psychology of Language, L. Brehm
- PHIL 100B - Theory of Knowledge, K. Falvey
- PHIL 134/234G - Moral Psychology, A. Zimmerman
- PSY 105 - Developmental Psychology, Z. Liberman
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, T. Sprague
- PSY 120 - Consciousness and Cognition, J. Schooler
- PSY 130 - Perception: Vision, M. Eckstein
- PSY 142 - Cognitive Development, L. Cosmides
- PSY 228 - Perception, M. Eckstein
- 2024
Fall 2024
- COMM 111 - Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, A. Merolla COMM 104 - Evolution and Human Communication, S. Reid
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X. Yan
- CMPSC 190I - Intelligent and Interactive Systems, S. Chang
- CMPSC 181 - Intro to Computer Vision, M. Beyeler
- ED 111 - Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development, A. Kyratzis
- ED 253D - Seminar on Teaching and Learning, C. Sattin-Bajaj
- LING 141 - Second Language Acquisition, K. Kessler
- LING 211 – Experimental Methods in Linguistics, L. Brehm
- PHIL 100D - Philosophy of Mind, A. Roskies
- PHIL 296B - Seminar in Epistemology, D. Korman
- PHIL 296D - Seminar in Philosophy of Mind, C. Allen
- PSY 105 - Developmental Psychology, A. Wertz
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, J. W. Schooler
- PSY 117 - Human Memory, S. Klein
- PSY 117L - Lab in Memory and Cognition, M. Hegarty
- PSY 124 - Educational Psychology, R. Mayer
- PSY 155 - Evolution and Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 254 - Evolutionary Psychology, D. Pietraszewski
- PSY 594RW - Cognitive Media Psychology, R. Weber
- PHIL 272 – Foundations of Social Meaning, J. Armstrong (UC Los Angeles)
Spring 2024
- ANTH 151T - Evolutionary Psychology, S. Gaulin and L. Edelman
- COMM 111 - Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, N. Dunbar
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X. Yan
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, Y.-F. Wang
- CMPSC 190I - Intelligent and Interactive Systems, M. Sra
- CMPSC 281B - Advanced Topics in Computer Vision, Y.-F. Wang
- ED 111 - Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development, L. Romo
- ED 253D - Seminar on Teaching and Learning, J. S. Lee
- INT 200A - Seminar in Cognitive Science, A. Roskies
- LING 127 - Psychology of Language, L. Brehm
- PHIL 234G - Moral Psychology, A. Zimmerman
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, J. W. Schooler and D. A. Benkley
- PSY 117L - Lab in Memory and Cognition, M. Hegarty
- PSY 145 - Cognitive Science of Supernatural Concepts, T. German and H. Mehrzadfar
- PSY 125 - Multimedia Learning, R. Mayer
- PSY 155 - Evolution and Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 233 - Electroencephalography, Barry Giesbrecht
Winter 2024
- ANTH 151T - Evolutionary Psychology, S. Gaulin
- COMM 111 - Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, A. Merolla
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, M. Beyeler
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, S. Chang
- CMPSC 185 - Human-Computer Interaction, M. Sra
- CMPSC 190I - Intelligent and Interactive Systems, L. Yan
- ED 111 - Introduction to Child and Adolescent Development, L. Romo
- ED 211G - Theories of Human Development, A. Kyratzis
- INT 200A - Foundations in Cognitive Science, A. Roskies
- LING 226 - Cognitive Foundations of Language, L. Brehm
- LING 137 - First Language Acquisition, L. Hou
- PHIL 100B - Theory of Knowledge, A. Zimmerman
- PHIL 100D - Philosophy of Mind, TBA
- PHIL 296D - Seminar in Philosophy of Mind, K. Falvey
- PSY 105 - Developmental Psychology, M. Baham and B. Immel
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, T. Sprague
- PSY 124 - Educational Psychology, R. Mayer
- PSY 142 - Cognitive Development, L. Cosmides
- PSY 161 - Systems Neuroscience, M. Goard
- 2023
Fall 2023
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- COMM 104 - Evolution and Human Communication, S. Reid
- COMM 133 - Media and Children, R. Weber
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, Y. Wang
- CMPSC 181 - Intro to Computer Vision, B.S. Manjunath
- ED 111 - Intro to Child/Adolescent Development, A. Kyratzis
- GEOG 229 - Environmental Perception and Cognition, D. Montello
- LING 141 - Second Language Acquisition, K. Kessler
- MUSIC 260A - Music Cognition, J. Bourne
- PHIL 150D/250D - Advanced Philosophy of Mind, Color Perception, C. Allen
- PSY 105 - Developmental Psychology, TBA
- PSY 117 - Human Memory, S. Klein
- PSY 120 - Consciousness and Cognition, J. Schooler
- PSY 123 - Cognitive Neuroscience, R. Lapate
- PSY 155 - Evolution and Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 337 - Cognition, R. Mayer
- PSY 254 - Evolutionary Psychology, L. Cosmides
- PSY 594RW - Cognitive Media Psychology, R. Weber
Spring 2023
- INT 200A - Foundations in Cognitive Science, A. Zimmerman, T. German
- ANTH 151T - Evolutionary Psychology, R. Agey
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- COMM 111 - Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, A.J Merolla
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, Y.F. Wang
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, X. Yan
- CMPSC 190I - Intelligence & Interactive Systems, Y. Wang, M. Sra
- ED 111 - Intro to Child/Adolescent Development, R.M Rios
- ED 210B - Introduction to Children's Thinking, Y. Okamoto
- ED 292B - Mathematics Development in Middle Years, Y. Okamoto
- GEOG 229 - Environmental Perception and Cognition, D. Montello
- LING 111 - Advanced Computational Linguistics, S. Todd
- PHIL 100B - Theory of Knowledge, K. Falvey
- PHIL 296D - Seminar in Philosophy of Mind, K. Falvey
- PSY 105 - Developmental Psychology, Z. Liberman
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, T.C. Sprague
- PSY 117L - Lab in Memory and Cognition, M. Hegarty
- PSY 145 - Cognitive Science of Supernatural Concepts, T. German
- PSY 227 - Human Memory & Cognitive Processes, J. Schooler
Winter 2023
- ANTH 151T - Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, W. Wang
- CMPSC 181 - Intro to Computer Vision, Y.F. Wang
- CMPSC 185 - Human-Computer Interaction, M. Sra
- CMPSC 281B - Advanced Topics in Computer Vision, M. Beyeler
- CNCSP 215 - Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior, A. Ortiz
- ENG 171NH - Neurohumanism, S. Park
- LING 110 - Foundations of Computational Linguistics, S. Todd
- LING 137 - First Language Acquisition, L. Hou
- PHIL 100D - Philosophy of Mind, A. Zimmerman
- PHIL 150D - Advanced Philosophy of Mind, K. Falvey
- PHIL 250D - Topics in Philosophy of Mind, K. Falvey
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, T.C. Sprague
- PSY 123 - Cognitive Neuroscience, R. Lapate
- PSY 142 - Cognitive Development, L. Cosmides
- PSY 161 - Systems Neuroscience, M. Goard
- PSY 231 - Cognitive Neuroscience, E. Jacobs
- PSY 594MH - Individual Difference in Human Navigation, M. Hegarty *Note: this is a 3-credit course*
- 2022
Fall 2022
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- COMM 133 - Media and Children, R. Weber, KS Woodman
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X. Yan
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, S. Chang
- ED 111 - Intro to Child & Adolescent Development, A. Kyratzis
- LING 127 - Psychology of Language, L. Brehm
- LING 141 - Second Language Acquisition, K. Kessler
- LING 226 - Cognitive Foundations of Language, L. Brehm
- LING 247 - Topics in Psycholinguistics, S. Todd
- PSY 105 - Developmental Psychology, Z. Liberman
- PSY 117 - Human Memory, S. Klein
- PSY 155 - Evolution & Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 254 - Evolutionary Psychology, L. Cosmides
- PSY 594RW - Cognitive Media Psychology, R. Weber
Spring 2022
- INT 200A (4 credits) -- Cognitive Science Seminar, A. Zimmerman, T. German
- ANTH 151T - Evolutionary Psychology, S. Gaulin
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, Y. Wang
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, Y.W Wang
- CMPSC 190I - Intelligence & Interactive Systems, L. Yan
- ED 111 - Intro to Child & Adolescent Dev, R. M. Rios
- ED 209C - Seminar in Cognitive Development, Y. Okamoto
- ENG 236 - Cognitive Approaches to World Literature, S. Park
- LING 237 - First Language Acquisition, TBA
- MUSIC 260A - Music Cognition, J. Bourne
- PHIL 100B - Theory of Knowledge, A. Zimmerman
- PHIL 100D - Philosophy of Mind, A. Zimmerman
- PSY 105 - Developmental Psychology, Z. Liberman
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, Sprague
- PSY 594RM - Learning & Instruction with Media, R. Mayer
Winter 2022
- ANTH 107 - Psychological Anthropology, J. Tooby
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- COMM 111 - Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, A.J Merolla
- COMM 133 - Media & Children, R. Weber
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, Li Lei
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, X Yan
- CMPSC 181 - Intro to Computer Vision, B. Manjunath
- CMPSC 185 - Human-Computer Interaction, M. Sra
- CMPSC 190I - Intelligence & Interactive Systems, Y. W. Wang
- ED 111 - Intro to Child & Adolescent Dev, R. M. Rios
- ED 211G - Theories of Human Development, A. Kyratzis
- ENG 171 - Literature & the Human Mind, S. Park
- LING 237 - First Language Acquisition, L. Hou
- PHIL 234G - Moral Psychology, A. Zimmerman
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, TBA
- PSY 117 - Human Memory , J. Schooler
- PSY 123 - Cognitive Neuroscience, E. Jacobs
- PSY 125 - Multimedia Learning, R. Mayer
- PSY 142 - Cognitive Development, L. Cosmides
- 2021
Fall 2021
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X. Yan
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, TBA
- COMM 104 - Evolution and Human Communication, S. Reid
- COMM 111 - Nonverbal Communication, W.A Afifi
- LING 127 - Psychology of Language, B. Barnwell
- LING 141 - Second Language Acquisition, M.T Webb
- PHIL 100B - Theory of Knowledge, D. Korman
- PSY 117 - Human Memory , S. Klein
- PSY 155 - Evolution and Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 254 - Evolutionary Psychology, L. Cosmides
Spring 2021
- ANTH 151T - Evolutionary Psychology, S. Gaulin
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, X. Yan
- ENG 170MB - Mind, Brain, and Literature, S. Park
- LING 137 - First Language Acquisition, L. Hou
- LING 210 - Computational Linguistics, S. Todd
- PHIL 234G - Moral Psychology, A. Zimmerman
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, M. Hegarty & H.E. Skinner
- PSY 123 - Cognitive Neuroscience, S. Grafton & M. Gross
- PSY 125 - Multimedia Learning, R. Mayer
- PSY 594EJ - Special Topics: Hormones and Cognition, E. Jacobs
- PSY 594GZ - Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience, M. Gazzaniga
Winter 2021
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- CMPC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X.Yan
- CMPC 165B - Machine Learning, Y.F. Wang
- CMPSC 181 - Intro to Computer vision, M. Beyeler
- CMPSC 185 - Human-Computer Interactions, M. Sra
- CMPSC 281B - Advanced Topics in Computer Vision, B. Manjunath
- COMM 111 - Nonverbal Communication, A.J Merolla
- ED 217B - Analyzing and Validating Measures, A. Maul
- ED 293 - Mathematics - Cultural Comparisons, Y. Okamoto
- ENG 170IC - Studies in Literature and Mind - Imagination and Creativity, J. Carlson
- GEOG 229 - Environmental Perception and Cognition, D. Montello
- LING 127 - Psychology of Language, K. Mahowald
- LING 110/297 - Foundations of Computational Linguistics, S. Todd
- PHIL 100D - Philosophy of Mind, A. Zimmerman
- PHIL 150D - Advanced Philosophy of Mind, K.T. Falvey
- PHIL 250D - Topics in Philosophy of Mind, K.T. Falvey
- PHIL 296D - Seminar in Philosophy of Mind, A. Zimmerman
- PSY 117 - Memory, S. Klein
- PSY 123 - Cognitive Neuroscience, R.C. Lapate
- PSY 124 - Educational Psychology, R. Mayer & A. Milner
- PSY 142 - Cognitive Development, L. Cosmides & S. Arai
- PSY 145 - Cognitive Science of Supernatural Concepts, T. German
- PSY 160JS - Science of Consciousness, J. Schooler
- 2020
Fall 2020
- INT 200A, B. Brenner, A. Taves
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- COMM 111 - Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, A. Merolla
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X.-Y. Wang
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, Y.-F. Wang
- ED 210A - Advances in the Learning Sciences and Education, R. Duran
- LING 141 - Second Language Acquisition, A. Lashmet
- LING 226 - Cognitive Foundations of Language, K. Mahowald
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, J. Schooler
- PSY 117 - Memory, S. Klein
- PSY 155 - Evolution and Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 228 - Perception, M. Eckstein
- PSY 254 - Evolutionary Psychology, L. Cosmides
- PSY 594RM - Special Topics: Computer Games for Learning, R. Mayer
- RGST 101B - Religious Experience, A. Taves
Spring 2020
- CS 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X. Yan
- CS 165B - Machine Learning, Y. Ding
- PHIL 100B - Theory of Knowledge, D. Korman
- PHIL 296C - Seminar in Philosophy of Language, N. Salmon
- PSY 108 - Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, T. Sprague
- PSY 117 - Human Memory, J. Schooler
- PSY 123 - Cognitive Neuroscience, S. Grafton
- PSY 237 - Cognition, R. Mayer
- PSY 594 - Special Topics (Discussion of SAGE Lectures), M. Gazzaniga
- PSY 594 - Special Topics (Hormones and Cognition), E. Jacobs
Winter 2020
- CS 165A - Artificial Intelligence, Y.-X. Wang
- CS 165B - Machine Learning, Y.-F. Wang
- CS 185 - Human-Computer Interaction, T. Hollerer
- ED 210B - Introduction to Children's Thinking, Y. Okamoto
- ENG 171 / MCDB 71: Literature and the Human Mind, team-taught by S. Park & K. Kosik
- PHIL 100D - Philosophy of Mind, A. Zimmerman
- PHIL 134 - Moral Psychology, A. Zimmerman
- PSY 124 - Educational Psychology, R. Mayer
- PSY 142 - Cognitive Development, L. Cosmides
- PSY 160JS - Science of Consciousness, J. Schooler
- PSY 227 - Human Memory and Cognitive Processes, M. Miller
- 2019
Fall 2019
- INT 200A - Cognitive Science Seminar, M. Brenner
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- COMM 234 - Cognition and Mass Communication, R. Weber
- CS 165B - Machine Learning, W. Wang
- CS 291 - Special Topics: Machine Learning and Data Mining, Y.-F. Wang
- ED 210A - Advances in the Learning Sciences and Education, R. Duran
- ENG 170MB - Mind, Brain and Literature, S. Park
- LING 214 - Discourse, J. Du Bois
- PHIL 296B - Seminar in Epistemology, D. Korman
- PHIL 296D - Seminar in Philosophy of Mind, K. Falvey
- PSY 108 - Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, M. Hegarty
- PSY 117 - Human Memory, S. Klein
- PSY 145 - Cognitive Science of Supernatural Concepts, T. German
- PSY 155 - Evolution and Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 254 - Evolutionary Psychology, L. Cosmides
- PSY 594 - Special Topics: Working Memory, T. Sprague
- RGST 101B - Religious Experience, A. Taves
Spring 2019
Note: PSY 594RM with R. Mayer, listed below, may count as either your INT200C course or as a Cognitive Science elective this quarter.
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, W. Wang
- CMPSC 185 - Human-Computer Interaction, T. Hollerer
- CMPSC 291 - Deep Neural Networks, Y.-F. Wang
- ED 217C - Philosophy of Measurement, A. Maul
- ENG 236 - Unconscious Memory and the Human Mind Part II, S. Park
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, Sprague
- PSY 125 - Multimedia Learning, R. Mayer
- PSY 594RM - Special Topics: Learning with Media, R. Mayer
Winter 2019
Note: GEOG 288EC with L. Chrastil or ENG 236 / CD 594 with S. Park, listed below, may count as either your INT200B course or as a Cognitive Science elective this quarter.
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X.-Y. Wang
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, Y. Ding
- CMPSC 291 - Deep Learning, W. Wang
- ED 217B - Analyzing and Validating Measures, A. Maul
- ENG 236 / CS 594 (Cross-listed) - Unconscious Memory and the Human Mind, S. Park (as elective or as INT 200)
- GEOG 288EC - Special Topics: Spatial navigation, sex differences, and aging: From cells to society, L. Chrastil (as elective or as INT 200)
- MUS 260A - Music Cognition, J. Bourne
- PSY 124 - Educational Psychology, R. Mayer
- PSY 142 - Cognitive Development, L. Cosmides
- PSY 594 - Special Topics: Evolutionary Psychology, Culture, and Society, L. Cosmides
- RGST 237A - Muses, Spirits, and Deities: Social Cognition and Inspired Texts, A. Taves
- 2018
Fall 2018
- INT 200A - Cognitive Science: Historical Introduction and Overview, D. Montello
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X. Yan
- CMPSC 291 - Natural Language Processing, W. Wang
- ED 210A - Advances in the Learning Sciences and Education, R. Duran
- ED 217A - Constructing Measures, A. Maul
- GEOG 229 - Environmental Perception & Cognition, D. Montello
- LING 141 - Second Language Acquisition
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, M. Hegarty
- PSY 117 - Human Memory, Klein
- PSY 130 - Perception: Vision, M. Eckstein
- PSY 145 - Cognitive Science of Supernatural Concepts, T. German
- PSY 155 - Evolution and Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 254 - Evolutionary Psychology, L. Cosmides
- RGST 237 - Scientific Study of Religion, A. Taves
Spring 2018
- INT 200C - Cognitive Science Seminar: Cognitive Science and the Humanities: Bridging the Divide, A. Taves
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, William Wang
- CMPSC 185 - Human-Computer Interaction, TBA
- LING 127 - Psychology of Language, Fermin Moscoso
- PSY 123 - Cognitive Neuroscience, Michael Miller
- PSY 125 - Multimedia Learning, Michael Miller
- PSY 226 - Cognitive Development, Zoe Liberman
- PSY 227 - Human Memory and Cognitive Processes, Michael Miller
Winter 2018
- INT 200B - Cognitive Science Seminar: Similarity and Distance, K. Janowicz
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, A. Singh
- CMPSC 181B - Intro to Computer Vision, B. Manjunath
- CMPSC 281B - Advanced Topics in Computer Vision, Y. Wang
- ENG 170 - Mind, Brain and Literature, Sowon Park
- ENG 236 / CLIT 220 - Cognitive Approaches to World Literature, team taught by Sowon Park and Dominique Jullien
- GEOG 288EC - Spatial Cognition and Spatial Neuroscience, Liz Chrastil
- GEOG 288WK - Special Topics in Geography: How to Formulate Spatial Hypotheses, Werner Kuhn
- LING 226 - Cognitive Foundations of Language, Fermin Moscoso
- PSY 124 - Educational Psychology, Richard Mayer
- PSY 142 - Cognitive Development, Leda Cosmides
- PSY 145 - Cognitive Science of Supernatural Concepts, Tamsin German
- PSY 233 - Electroencephalography, Barry Giesbrecht
- PSY 594EJ - Special Topics, Emily Jacobs
- PSY 594MG - Special Topics, Michael Gazzaniga
- 2017
Fall 2017
- INT 200A - Cognitive Science Seminar: Spatial Cognition, D. Montello & M. Hegarty
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- ED 210A - Advances in the Learning Sciences and Education, R. Duran
- LING 141 - Second Language Acquisition, J. Gough
- MUSIC 262I - Film Music Cognition, John Hajda
- PHIL 100B - Theory of Knowledge, A. Zimmerman
- PSY 108 - Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, J. Schooler
- PSY 110A - Perception: Vision, M. Eckstein
- PSY 117 - Human Memory, Stan Klein
- PSY 130 - Perception: Vision, Miguel Eckstein
- PSY 155 - Evolution & Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 228 - Perception, Miguel Eckstein
- PSY 237 - Cognition, R. Mayer
- PSY 232 - Neuroimaging, Scott Grafton
Spring 2017
- INT 200C - Cognitive Science Seminar
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, X. Yan
- CMPSC 281B - Advanced Topics in Computer Vision, B. Manjunath
- COMM 111 - Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, TBA
- ED 210B - Children's Thinking, Y. Okamoto
- GEOG 288EC - Special Topics in Geography: Spatial Neuroscience, E. Chrastil
- PSY 110B - Perception: Audition, J. Hajda
- PSY 117 - Human Memory, S. Klein
- PSY 123 - Cognitive Neuroscience, M. Miller
- PSY 128 - Human Thinking and Problem Solving, R. Mayer
- PSY 160JS - Special Topics in Psychology, J. Schooler
- PSY 231 - Cognitive Neuroscience, M. Miller
Winter 2017
- INT 200B - Cognitive Science Seminar
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X. Yan
- CMPSC 181B - Intro to Computer Vision, M. Turk
- CMPSC 185 - Human-Computer Interaction, T. Hollerer
- ED 253D - Seminar on Teaching and Learning, C. Bazerman
- GEOG 229 - Environmental Perception & Cognition, D. Montello
- GEOG 288WK - Special Topics in Geography: Scale of GIS Concepts, Werner Kuhn
- MUS 260F - Sound Color, J. Hajda
- PSY 108 - Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, O. Herrera
- PSY 124 - Educational Psychology, R. Mayer
- PSY 145 - Cognitive Science of Supernatural Concepts, T. German
- PSY 155/254 - Evolution and Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 594MG - Special Topics in Psychology, M. Gazzaniga
- 2016
Fall 2016
- INT 200A - Cognitive Science Seminar
- CMPSC 290I - Special Topics in Intelligent Systems, T. Hollerer
- CMPSC 290I - Special Topics in Intelligent Systems, M. Turk
- ED 210A - Advances in the Learning Sciences and Education, R. Duran
- LING 141 - Second Language Acquisition, J. Gough
- PHIL 100C - Philosophy of Language, D. Schultz
- PSY 108 - Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, O. Herrera
- PSY 110A - Perception: Vision, M. Eckstein
- PSY 117 - Human Memory, J. Schooler
- PSY 142 - Cognitive Development, L. Cosmides
- PSY 265 - Computational Neuroscience, G. Ashby
Spring 2016
Winter 2016
- INT 200C - Cognitive Science Seminar
- ANTH 234 - Advanced Evolutionary Psychology, J. Tooby
- CMPSC 165B - Machine Learning, M. Turk
- CMPSC 185 - Human-Computer Interaction, T. Hollerer
- CMPSC 281B - Advanced Topics in Computer Vision, Y. Wang
- COMM 133 - Media and Children, R. Weber
- ED 209I - Cognitive Perspectives on Achievement Motivation, M. Gehlbach
- LING 226 - Cognitive Foundations of Language, F. Moscoso
- PHIL 100B - Theory of Knowledge, TBA
- PSY 110B - Perception: Audition, TBA
- PSY 117 - Human Memory, S. Klein
- PSY 128 - Human Thinking and Problem Solving, TBA
- PSY 237 - Cognition, R. Mayer
- PSY 594C - Special Topics Seminar, L. Cosmides
- INT 200B - Cognitive Science Seminar
- CMPSC 165A - Artificial Intelligence, X. Yan
- CMPSC 181B - Intro to Computer Vision, B. Manjunath
- CMPSC 190I - Intelligence and Interaction, T. Hollerer
- CMPSC 290I - Seminar on Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition, P. Gader
- COMM 234 - Cognition and Mass Communication, R. Weber
- ED 111 - Intro to Child/Adolescent Development, Y. Okamoto
- ED 209D - Research Seminar in Human Development, Y. Okamoto
- ED 292C - Mathematics Development in Adolescents, S. Roberts
- LING 127 - Psychology of Language, F. Moscoso
- LING 210 - Computational Linguistics, F. Moscoso
- PHIL 100C - Philosophy of Language, M. Rescorla
- PSY 105 - Developmental Psychology, T. German
- PSY 108 - Cognitive Psychology, J. Schooler
- PSY 123 - Cognitive Neuroscience, S. Grafton
- PSY 138 - Social Memory, B. Mooneyham
- PSY 155 - Evolution and Cognition, L. Cosmides
- PSY 594JS - Seminar on Mindfulness, J. Schooler
- PSY 594MG - Seminar on Consciousness, M. Gazzaniga
- RGST 237 - Scientific Study of Religion, A. Taves