
Adina Roskies

Professor of Philosophy
Cognitive Science Program Director
Cognitive Science Steering Committee

South Hall 5717
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Neuroscience, Free Will, Brain Imaging

Tiffany Ta

Graduate Program Assistant
PhD Music Theory, student

Music theory, music cognition

Colin Allen

Distinguished Professor of Philosophy

Philosophy of Cognitive Science; Artificial Intelligence; Animal Cognition; Philosophy of Neuroscience; Computational Humanities

F. Gregory Ashby

Distinguished Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences (Emeritus)
Dynamical Neuroscience

3847 Psychology East
Cognitive & neural mechanisms of human learning; Cognitive neuroscience; Mathematical psychology.

Charles Bazerman

Distinguished Professor of Education, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education (Emeritus)

Science & Technology studies; writing in society; rhetoric & composition; discourse theory; writing pedagogy

Janet Bourne

Assistant Professor, Music Theory Program
Cognitive Science Steering Committee

Music Building 1121
Music cognition; music theory; cognitive methodologies

Laurel Brehm

Assistant Professor, Linguistics

South Hall 3515
Psycholinguistics; sentence production; sentence processing; memory and language; eye-tracking; statistical modeling

Mary Betsy Brenner

Professor of Education (Emeritus)

Cognitive science of education; qualitative methodology; educational anthropology; mathematics education

Mary Bucholtz

Professor of Linguistics
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, Faculty Affiliate

South Hall 3509
Sociocultural linguistics; language and identity; linguistic representation; language, gender, and sexuality; African American English; US Spanish; language in California

Julie Carlson

Distinguished Professor of English
Director, Literature and Mind Research Center

South Hall 2702
Literature and Mind; Cognitive Studies; Psychoanalysis; British Romanticism; Feminist, race, and queer theories; Politics of inter-group friendship

Daniel Conroy-Beam

Assistant Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Computational Mate Choice Lab, Director & PI

Psychology East, Room 2831
Developmental & Evolutionary Psychology; Computational models of mate choice; Agent-based modeling

Leda Cosmides

Distinguished Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
UCSB Center for Evolutionary Psychology, Co-Director
Neuroscience Research Institute, Faculty Affiliate

3808 Psychology East
Evolutionary psychology; cognition; domain-specific reasoning

John W Du Bois

Professor of Linguistics
Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English, Director

South Hall 3514
Discourse and grammar; sociocultural linguistics; referential pragmatics; grammaticization and emergence; complex adaptive linguistics; corpus linguistics; transcription; Mayan languages

Richard Durán

Professor of Education
Associate Dean for Faculty Equity
National Academy of Education Fellow

Education 3141
ESL; Reading education; Educational measurement; Bilingualism Educational assessment; Design and evaluation of literacy interventions for at-risk students; Educational testing; Bilingual education; Secondary education; Urban education; Educational technology; Cognitive psychology: cognition, intelligence, memory; Psychosocial development

Miguel Eckstein

Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Vision & Image Understanding Lab, Director
Mellichamp Initiative in Mind & Machine Intelligence Initiative
Center for Responsible Machine Learning, Faculty Affiliate

Psychology East, Room 3806
Cognition; Perception; Cognitive Neuroscience; AI-human interaction; Computational models of human vision, visual search, attention, perceptual learning

Steven Gaulin

Professor of Anthropology
Broom Center for Demography, Research Associate

HSSB 1016
Evolutionary Psychology; Cognitive Adaptations; Evolution of Sex Differences; Evolutionary, developmental, and neurological bases of spatial cognition

Michael Gazzaniga

Distinguished Professor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind, Director
Cognitive Neuroscience Institute, President
MacArthur Foundation Law & Neuroscience Project, Founding Director

Psychology East, Room 3803
Cognitive neuroscience; brain imaging and anatomy; visual psychophysics

Tamsin German

Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences
UCSB Cognition & Development Laboratory, Director

Psychology East, 3807
Developmental and Evolutionary Psychology; Cognitive and Conceptual Development; Acquisition of mental state concepts; children's development; relationships between counterfactual thinking and causal reasoning

Barry Giesbrecht

Professor & Vice-Chair, Psychological & Brain Sciences
UCSB Attention Lab, Principle Investigator
Co-Director, Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (ICB)
Co-Leader, Cognitive Neuroscience (ICB)

Psychology East, Room 3805
Spatial and temporal dynamics of selective visual attention; attention and performance; contextual influences of attention; cognitive neuroscience

Stefan Th. Gries

Professor of Linguistics

SH 3506
Corpus linguistics; statistical methods in linguistics; usage-based linguistics/construction grammar; corpus linguistics & law

Michael Gurven

Professor of Anthropology
Co-Director, UNM-UCSB Tsimane Project

HSSB 2060
Behavioral ecology; Evolutionary medicine; Human biology; Biodemography of human lifespan & aging; Social and economic behavior

John M. Hajda

Associate Director, SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind

3804 Psychology East
Coordinates Sage Center Lecture Series. Oversees the Junior Research Fellowship post-doctoral program. Promotes the public image of the Sage Center

Mary Hegarty

Distinguished Professor of Psychological & Brian Sciences
Cognitive Science Steering Committee
Hegarty Spatial Thinking Lab, Director

Psychology East, 2835
Cognitive neuroscience; Cognition & Perception; Comprehension & reasoning; spatial cognition; individual differences

Tobias Höllerer

Professor of Computer Science
Cognitive Science Steering Committee
UCSB Media Arts & Technology Program Faculty Affiliate

2155 Harold Frank Hall
Visual Computing and Interaction; Machine Learning and Data Mining; Social Computing; Human-Computer Interaction; Visualization & Computer Graphics; VR & Augmented Reality; Wearable & Ubiquitous Computing

Krzysztof Janowicz

Professor of Geographic Information Science and Geoinformatics
Director, UCSB Center for Spatial Studies
Center for Responsible Machine Learning (CRML), Faculty Affiliate

4830/2610 Ellison Hall
Knowledge graphs, geographic applications of Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) and machine learning methods, and geographic information retrieval

Dominique Jullien

Professor of French and Comparative Literature
Cognitive Science Steering Committee
Director, Graduate Center for Literary Studies
Chair, Comparative Literature Program

Phelps 5220
Cognitive Approaches to Literature; Contemporary Literature and Culture; Intertextuality and Rewriting; Literature and the fantastic

Dan Korman

Professor of Philosophy

South Hall 5716
Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Language; Epistemology; Metaphysics

Kenneth Kosik

Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB)
Harriman Professor of Neuroscience
Co-Director, Neuroscience Research Institute (NRI)

6139A, Biology II
Biomedical science; neuroscience; developmental/stem cell biology; genetics & genomics; systems & quantitative biology

JoAnn Kuchera-Morin

Professor of Media Arts & Technology (MAT)
Professor of Music Composition
Director & Chief Scientist; AlloSphere Research Facility

Music Building 1115
Electronic & computer-generated music; creative & computational systems; mixed media composition; augmented reality

Amy Kyratzis

Professor of Education

Education 3127
language development; bilingual language development; language socialization; socialization of gender and bilingual practices in children’s peer interactions; gender differences in language and cognition

Zoe Liberman

Assistant Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences
Liberman Child Studies Lab, Director

Psychology East, Room 3821
Cognitive development, social cognition, and social learning in infancy and childhood

Alan Liu

Distinguished Professor of English
Director, Transcriptions Digital Humanities & New Media Research Center
Media Arts & Technology, Faculty Affiliate
Center for Information, Technology, and Society (CITS), Faculty Affiliate

South Hall 2521
Digital humanities; machine-learning approaches to intellectual history; new media studies; computational methods for distant reading

B.S. Manjunath

Distinguished Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Computer Science Department, Courtesy Appointment
Director, Center for Bio-Image Informatics
Media Arts & Technology Program, Founding Faculty Member/Affiliate
Dynamical Neuroscience, Faculty Affiliate

3157 Harold Frank Hall
Image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, neural networks, learning algorithms, content based search in multimedia databases

Andrew Maul

Associate Professor of Education
Cognitive Science Program Affiliate

History and Philosophy of Science; Philosophy of Measurement; Validity Theory; Conceptual foundations of research methodology in the human sciences

Richard Mayer

Distinguished Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences
Cognitive Science Steering Committee
Mayer Lab for Research on Learning & Instruction, Director

Psychology East, 3841
Human Learning; Problem-Solving; Educational Psychology; Cognition & Perception, Human-Computer Interaction, Mathematical & Scientific Reasoning

Michael Miller

Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences
SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind, Vice-Director
Miller Memory Lab, Director

Psychology East, Room 3835
Human memory and decision making; cognitive neuroscience; neuroimaging

Daniel R Montello

Professor of Geography
Dept of Psych & Brain Sciences, Faculty Affiliate

5711 Ellison Hall
Spatial perception, cognition and behavior; cognitive aspects of cartography and GIS; environmental psychology and behavioral geography

Robin Nabi

Professor of Communication

SSMS 4137
Persuasion; Emotion & Cognition; Mass Media Effects; Health Communication

Marcos Novak

Professor of Media Arts & Technology (MAT)
Professor of Art
Director of transLAB (MAT)

2207 Elings Hall
Media & Virtual Architecture; Virtual/Augmented Reality; Transvergence; Transarchitecture

Fabian Offert

Asst Professor of History & Theory of Digital Humanities & Artificial Intelligence (Germanic & Slavic Studies)
UCSB Comparative Literature, Faculty Affiliate
UCSB Media Arts & Technology, Faculty Affiliate
Center for Responsible Machine Learning (CRML), Faculty Affiliate

Phelps 6327
Digital/Computational Humanities; artificial intelligence; neural networks

Yukari Okamoto

Professor of Education
Cognitive Science Faculty Affiliate

Education 3135
Cognitive development; Cognitive psychology; Cross-national, cross-cultural comparisons of teaching and learning outcomes; Development of numerical, scientific and spatial understandings; Early childhood education; Mathematical cognition; Problem solving; Promoting female participation in mathematics, science and technology; Theories of the mind

Sowon Park

Assistant Prof of English
Cognitive Science Steering Committee

SH 2719
Neurocognitive Literary Criticism; British Modernism; Political Fiction; World Literature; Script and Translation

Geoffrey Raymond

Professor of Sociology
Conversation Analysis Lab, Principle Investigator

SSMS 3413/3410
Conversation Analysis; ethnomethodology; sociology of science & technology; sociology of mass communication

Scott Reid

Professor of Communication
Media Neuroscience Lab, Faculty Affiliate

SSMS 4411
Social & Evolutionary Psychology; Psychology of communication within and between groups; evolution and human communication

Sarah Roberts

Assistant Professor of Education
CAREER: Understanding the Routinization of Mathematics Language Routines in Middle and High Schools, Principle Investigator

Mathematics Education; Teacher Education and Professional Development; Educational Equity

Laura Romo

Professor of Education
Chicano Studies Institute, Research Affiliate

Education 3133
Adolescent development; Latino health and youth risk behaviors; Latina mother-daughter communication; Science/health education; Preschool science education; First generation Latino college students’ academic and social integration

Jonathan Schooler

Distinguished Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences
META Lab, Director
Center for Mindfulness & Human Potential, Director

Psychology East, Room 3817
Consciousness, memory, the relationship between language and thought; mindfulness; metacognition; mental states

Ambuj Singh

Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Biomolecular Science and Engineering
Director of Dynamo: Dynamic Networks, Analysis, and Modeling Lab
Center for Information, Technology, and Society (CITS) Faculty Affiliate
UCSB Center for Bio-Image Informatics, Faculty Affiliate

3119 Harold Frank Hall
Network machine learning; network science; biological data (incl bioimages & brain networks)

Steven Smith

Teaching Professor of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology
Interim CCSP Chair and Hosford Counseling & Psychological Services Clinic Director

Education 1163
Neuropsychological and personality assessment; clinical sport psychology; diversity issues in assessment; psychology of men & boys

Misha Sra

Professor of Computer Science
Director, Human-AI Experience Lab
Center for Responsible Machine Learning (CRML), Faculty Affiliate
Media Arts & Technology Faculty Affiliate

2151 Harold Frank Hall
Human-Computer Interaction; Visual Computing and Interaction; Machine Learning and Data Mining; Perceptual Engineering; Human Centered and Social Computing

Ann Taves

Distinguished Professor (Emerita)
Research Professor

HSSB 3085
Cognition, culture, and religious experience; situated cognition and historical processes; cognitive science of religion

Simon Todd

Assistant Professor of Linguistics
Director, Computational Psycholinguistics of Listening and Speaking Lab (CPLS)

South Hall 3514
Computational linguistics; psycholinguistics; corpus linguistics; speech perception; language variation, change, and evolution; phonology and its interactions with morphology and syntax

William Wang

Associate Professor of Computer Science
Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Designs
Director, UCSB Natural Language Processing Group
Director, Center for Responsible Machine Learning

Henley Hall, 2005
Natural Language Processing; Machine Learning; Computer Vision; Artificial Intelligence; Computational social science

Yuan-Fang Wang

Professor of Computer Science
UCSB Dept of Engineering, Faculty Affiliate
Director of Computer Vision Research Laboratory

Engineering 1, 3113
Computer Vision, Medical Image Analysis, Machine Learning, Computer Graphics, Bioinformatics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence

Rene Weber

Professor of Communication
PI for Media Neuroscience Lab, Neuroscience Research Institute

SSMS 4405; SSMS 4323 (Media Neuroscience Lab)
Media Neuroscience, Dynamical Neuroscience, Media-Multitasking and Attention Disorders, Moral Judgment and Conflict in Narratives, Media Violence and Aggression, Persuasion Neuroscience, Cognitive Control and Flow Experiences, Research Methods and Statistics, Computational Communication Science

Aaron Zimmerman

Professor of Philosophy

South Hall 5707
Philosophy of Mind; Epistemology; Action Theory; Moral Psychology and Rationality